Monday, October 5, 2015

I reviewed the Introduction to Graphic Design course which was taught by the students of Canva Design School. Canva is a design service that takes the friction out of designing. All you have to do is choose one of 11 available templates or start from a custom-sized blank canvas. You then use the Layouts and Background tabs to get a rough idea of what you want to design. These tabs are chock-full of options to choose from, whether you want a complete template or just a nice background to build on. (Lancet, Y. & Zuckerman, E., 2014)

This open learning course was very easy to login in. Once logged in you gained access immediately and you were ready to create a design. On the home page there was an introduction to the course and the objective of the course was stated. The directions on navigating through the course information were also documented on the same page. They utilized an open forum with discussions and chats where all could see and review work, activities or projects that others had performed. The discussion worked as a chat room as well so communication was also easy to accomplish. The learners are able to share ideas, collaborate and get positive feedback from others on the activities that were completed.

On the video and activities tab the information was broken into workable modules. Learners could set up a profile and complete basic skills sessions which included tutorial videos on how to perform steps to successfully completing the requirements. At the end of learning the information the applications were named the beginner’s challenge. The beginner’s challenge was to perform the graphic design process that was previously learned.

What I did like about the video clips was there was an icon that you could activate to indicate whether the learner had viewed the video which informed the learner where they had left off. If you had viewed the video, a green checkmark would be seen on the video as soon as it was activated. The videos were sequenced as stated in the introduction and the videos and activities kept the learners engaged. The learners also enjoyed the feedback from others after sharing their projects.
The content of the course needs to reflect where this content relates to the rest of the curriculum. It is essential to examine the nature of the content, as well as the sequence of the information. Generally speaking, the scope of the content for a course needs to be sufficient to ensure the learning experience will lead to the desired outcomes (Dick et al., 2011). Supporting information or knowledge is important to the scope of the content analysis. Follow up and applications of the content should be considered (Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., & Zvacek, S., 2015)

In closing, I think the students did a great job in designing this course. The videos were very professional and the activities and projects were planned and well thought out. There was a need for this type of training and it showed in the number of learners who previously had taken the course. So yes, it was planned very well. Great job Canva Design Class!

Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J.O. (2011) The systematic design of instruction. (8th ed.) New York, NY: Longman.

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