Sunday, October 25, 2015

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As I reflect on the Distance Learning course information that I’ve learned in the past eight weeks, I know that I have gained an immense amount of knowledge in a very short time. I wish the course was longer so I could have time to design a complete distance learning course. There were so many components that enhanced this positive experience which included the discussions, the applications and the course project. I have a better appreciation for distance learning instructors because there is a lot of preparation and work that goes into developing a successful project and learning experience.

What do you think the perceptions of distance learning will be in the future (5-10 years; 10-20 years)?
I think the overall perceptions about distance learning in the future will be positive because more people would have experienced at least one distance learning class in the next 5-10 years. Dr. Siemens said as people get more comfortable using distance learning there will be an increase for these types of classes. He also stated “The ability to communicate with diverse and global groups” is a positive aspect of distance learning. I think so as well but some classes that require certain hands on procedures will continue to be taught in classroom environments.
Most think distance learning will be the only way of learning in the future but I don’t think so. There will still be a need for classrooms and technology will be another tool used to convey the information. The blended classes are another avenue that could be used for learners to familiarize themselves with the different technologies that are available. Some technologies are currently being used in our personal life, for instance, providing communication between family members, friends and colleagues like using social media, Skype and Google hangout just to name a few. These technologies will also provide the comfort level that learners need before enrolling into distance learning classes in the future.

How can you as an instructional designer be a proponent for improving societal perceptions in distance learning?
I can continue to improve my professional development by expanding my knowledge to other businesses outside of the government. I can share and implement some of the technology skills that I’ve learned in course development with colleagues and others to give them an idea of the benefits of this type of learning. Maybe some will become interested in taking classes to determine if this is a learning environment they can become accustomed to.
I have been working in the government sector a long time which has provided a comfort level for me. I have also experienced working in a community college but not in a teaching capacity. Even then I noticed the difference in teaching methods with adult learners in the armed forces vise other educational institutions. The armed forces has a standardized way of presenting information and it takes years for changes to be implemented, but college environments seems to allow some leeway in using technology to convey course information and to keep the students engaged. I have to step out of my comfort zone and take on new challenges and show colleagues some positive aspects of distance learning.

How will you be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education?
I will continue to be creative and develop new ways to use technology in distance learning and blended course development. In the future there will be an increase use of multimedia, games and simulations (Laureate Education) which I would enjoy implementing in future courses. Assigned a mentor and shadowing more experienced distance learning instructors would be a fantastic way to become more efficient as an instructional designer. Follow the preparation process through to teaching a distance education class would be ideal. I will continue to acquire more experience using a Content Management Systems so I can design an effective and engaging distance learning course where both the learner and I can acquire knowledge and skills from.  I would enjoy being in a position where I can share all of my education and continuously reinvent my skills so I can be an excellent instructional designer. Associations for instructional designers/ teachers are a great platform to be affiliated with as well.


Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). The future of distance education [Dr. George Siemens]. Retrieved from

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