Sunday, November 2, 2014

New to the Blogging Community

I am very new to the blogging community but since I've researched information for this assignment, I see that I have been missing out on exploring another culture through the internet.  Just surfing this community, I see there are a lot of professional personnel out there that are willing to share their information and experiences to all who are interested. There are no rules so you are free to speak freely, be personable and communicate with others in the same profession as yourself.

 I chose two blogs from the Association for Talent Development (ATD) formerly known as the American Society for Talent and Development (ASTD). One blog is for government learning, I chose that one because I am a current government employee . The other blog is for learning and development

ATD is a non-profit association for workplace learning and performance professionals in which any professional  could be a member. You could benefit from having new technologies explained in understandable and clear terms. The membership shares and provides you information related to teaching, learning and development because its intent is to make your job easier.
In my last government position, all training and development employees were automatically given a membership upon hiring. So I am familiar with what the membership has to offer. The information that you learn enhances any current knowledge that you already possess in the training and development field.

Some of the other information ATD features are job listings, resume assistance and writing, access to career coaches and a career center as well. It also teaches you how to affectively use social media and networking sites to further your career. Job searching tactics are constantly changing. Nowadays, all job search information such as job applications and resume reviewing are sent electronically to companies and organizations through the internet. Some temporarily give you access to their intranet to answer the interview questions in writing before they even contact you for a interview in person. This information is essential to everyone in the Instructional Design Field.

The last site I chose was a United States Navy blog. I chose this one because I am currently a Instructional Systems Specialist for the Navy. I chose the Navy blog to stay current on their culture and environment.  It gives you the current  status of the Navy. It also gives up to date information on changes that are about to take place with leadership and policies. It gives you links to Navy Educational websites to include Navy E-learning, Navy Knowledge On-line and the policies and instructions for curriculum development

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