Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Fascination with Learning

For a couple of days, I have been searching for websites/ journals on the following topics:

·         The Brain and Learning
·         Information Processing Theory
·         Problem Solving Methods During the Learning Process

As I researched Problem Solving Methods an interesting learning method was introduced to me. I learned about Problem Based Learning (PBL). PBL is defined as a student centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject  through the experience of  problem solving (Wikipedia). This method/ type of learning began in Ontario, Canada, at one of the medical schools.  This strategy applied to these schools was because medical students had acquired a vast amount of education in the first three years of medical school, but the teaching staff needed to keep the students motivated in learning future material. This method was developed to stimulate their learning process and understand the relevance of learning and applying it to their positions/ roles for the future. Now, I'm not a medical student but I can see how medical school can get quite boring after learning so many words, terms and acronyms. Eventually you want to learn how the past information relates to solving problems and assisting your patients. It is a form of group study where students assess what they know, what info they need and where to obtain new information in hopes to solving a problem.
The website named Study Guides and Strategies seems to be a great source for information where teachers, students, and parents can gather facts to empower all learners. The info is in the form of study guides to assist with PBL and other methods of learning and teaching. Great information!!!

While reading the article, "How Does the Brain Learn Best? Smart Studying Strategies", I am convinced that as soon as I am here, I am going to order the book,  How We Learn: The Surprising Truth about When, Where, and Why It Happens,” author Benedict Carey. His friend, Ingfie Chen gives a great overview of the book and highlights some  different ways of how we learn. He explains how Carey has done extensive research and investigations on learning and memory and has put together his best lessons into a practical guide. The guide a variety of techniques and exercises that can help you learn new information and skills into your long term memory.
 Very exciting and informational article!!

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