Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fitting the Pieces Together

Fitting the Pieces Together

When I first began online classes, I thought I would have a rough time because I was used to the classroom environment.  You know, going to class, introducing yourself to the instructor and to your classmates, eager to get to your coursework. As I stated earlier, I also thought that I could only learn information by taking notes, memorization, braking down complex information into block diagrams and repetition, in order to be successful in class. Boy was I wrong. These online classes and professional environment have really changed by outlook and opened up my learning abilities to be able to adapt to any way of learning. Of course, the methods that are used as an adult learner also depend on the course material being taught. In this course, I have learned six different learning theories, of which I thought my way of learning could only be described as adult learning and connectivism. As we transitioned through the behaviorist, cognitive, social learning and constructivist theories I saw myself in each of the characteristics being described.
Learning theories are conceptual frameworks describing how information is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences, as well as prior experience, all play a part in how understanding, or a world view, is acquired or changed, and knowledge and skills retained. (Wikipedia, 2014)
Technology is by far the most popular topic concerning 21st century learning and education and many of the videos on You tube are about just that. Although some of the videos cover other ideas, technology still seems to be the central focus. (EdTechReview, 2013) I use various forms of technology to include the smart phone, tablet, laptop, social media (Facebook, LinkedIn), and I conduct research, watch videos, podcast, read news, blogs, create lessons, curricula, tests and class surveys. Without the use of technology I would be very slow in acquiring knowledge, since everything in this century is in real time. I look forward to expanding my knowledge utilizing other forms of technology as a tool to keep learners engaged and hungry to learn.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, just letting you know I'm following your blog for EDUC 6135.
